The RS&CT team provides many opportunities for faculty and staff to learn about new and emerging technologies, discuss the impact of technology on pedagogy (and vice versa), and try out new tools. In addition to the following programs, we also visit departmental meetings to help identify subject-specific technology solutions to pedagogical problems or to introduce faculty to specific tools. Contact us at to schedule a meeting.

Technologies for Teaching and Research Workshops

This workshop series for faculty aims to provide opportunities for faculty to explore new models of teaching and learning, keep up to date on new and emerging technologies, and cultivate a collaborative and supportive atmosphere in which to explore curricular and scholarly uses of technology.

Tempel Summer Institute

The Tempel Summer Institute is an annual, one-week immersion program for faculty. The Institute provides a pedagogical approach to the integration of new technologies into the curriculum, and is led by Library & Information Technology staff and two faculty leaders.

Digitally Enhanced Learning Initiative (DELI)

DELI provides classes with technologies to enhance student learning. Students in participating classes are provided with such technologies as iPads and Apple pencils, microphones, and digital camcorders. DELI also provides faculty with mini-grants to alleviate the costs associated with using new technology.

Open Educational Resources Grant Program

The Research Support & Curricular Technology team encourages and supports the use and creation of OER at Connecticut College through two innovative grant programs. A Call for Participation is sent to all faculty in the spring semester. This program is funded by Information Services and the Office of the Dean of Faculty. 

Digital Scholarship Fellows Program

The Digital Scholarship Fellows program supports faculty engaged in digital scholarship projects to scope and design their projects, integrate aspects of the projects into their courses, collaborate with student researchers, acquire new technological skills, and build platforms for sharing their scholarship in innovative ways online. The program works toward the College’s strategic plan objectives to offer new opportunities for student/faculty research and to build a community of practice in digital scholarship. This program is supported by the Digital Scholarship & Curriculum Center and funded by the Office of the Dean of Faculty.