For successful online registration

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to do BEFORE online registration?    back to top
It is in your own best interest to resolve issues before online registration opens. Once registration opens, courses fill quickly.

  1. Check for Holds. From your Student Profile in Self Service, click on Holds. See "What to do if I'm on hold?".
  2. Review scheduled course offerings for the term in Self Service.
  3. Meet with your advisor/s to discuss your course selections. Your assigned major (or pre-major) adviser will clear your Registration Advising Hold. 
  4. Read the course's catalog listing to ensure that you meet the registration restrictions (class year, major) and prerequisites. If you are not eligible, you will need to ask the instructor to grant a course override. If you receive a course override, you can then add the course online.

What do I do if I'm not on campus (study away, SATA, personal leave, medical leave)?    back to top
You must still have an advising meeting. The meeting may take place over the phone or via email, but you must contact your adviser to discuss your courses and get your advising hold released. You will register online on the appropriate day with the rest of your class year. 

What do I do if I'm on hold?    back to top
Payment Plans (PP) are informational only, they will not prevent you from registering. If you do not see a Registration Advising Hold, it's been released. If you do see a Registration Advising Hold, meet with your major (or pre-major) adviser for advising. For other holds, contact the department that placed the hold to determine how to resolve the issue. For example, contact the Bursar for any accounting related hold.  If you are unable to resolve hold issues, please speak with your Dean.

Where do I get my PIN?    back to top
You won't need a PIN. PINs have been replaced with Registration Advising Holds. After meeting with your assigned major (or pre-major) adviser, the adviser will release the hold.

I'm a double major. Which advisor do I meet with?    back to top
You should confer with both of your advisers. Only one will need to release our Registration Advising Hold.

What do I do if I'm a Special Student?    back to top
Non-degree seeking Special Students are not eligible for preregistration; registration will occur at the beginning of the semester using paper Add/Drop/Withdrawal Forms.

How do I register online?    back to top

  • From Self Service, choose Student, then Registration, then Add/Drop Classes. 
  • Select the term you are registering for, click Submit.
  • Enter the CRNs for all your desired courses in the Add Classes Worksheet, click Submit Changes.
  • The courses for which you have successfully registered will appear in the Current Schedule section. Scroll down to view Add Errors for those you weren't able to add.
  • To drop a course, click the down arrow in the Action field next to the course. Select Web Drop/Delete, then Submit Changes.
  • To search for additional courses or course sections, click Class Search.
  • For a printer-friendly schedule with locations and times, click Return to Menu, then Concise Student Schedule.

What do I do if I don't meet the course's prerequisites or enrollment restrictions?   back to top

If the instructor approves your registration, they will grant a course override so that you can add the course online. 

Can I make changes online?    back to top
Yes, through the end of the Drop/Add period. Check the Academic Year calendar for specific dates.

What do I do if I received an error message when attempting to register?    back to top

Error MessageExplanationAction Needed
Class Restriction The enrollment is limited to specified class year(s) per the catalog. Ex. Junior, Senior Choose another course or ask the instructor to grant a course override. If you receive a course override, you can then add the course online.
Closed Section The enrollment limit has been reached. Choose another section or another course or ask the instructor to grant a course override. If you receive a course override, you can then add the course online
CRN does not exist The 5-digit CRN you entered is not valid. Check the schedule for the correct CRN.
Level Restriction The enrollment is limited to undergraduates or graduates per the catalog. Choose another course or ask the instructor to grant a course override. If you receive a course override, you can then add the course online
Major Restriction The enrollment is limited to specified major(s) per the catalog. Choose another course or ask the instructor to grant a course override. If you receive a course override, you can then add the course online
Maximum Hours Exceeded You are attempting to register for too many credits. If you do intend to overpoint, see "How do I overpoint?" During preregistration, students may register for a maximum of 19 credits.
Repeat Count Exceeds 0 You are attempting to register for a course that you have already completed. Choose another course.
Reserve Closed/Closed to Class or Major The instructor has limited the number of seats available to specific class years and/or majors. Choose another course or ask the instructor to to grant a course override. If you receive a course override, you can then add the course online
Instructor Permission Add Form The course requires instructor permission for registration. The instructor will need to grant a course override. If you receive a course override, you can then add the course online
Time Conflict The meeting time overlaps with another course's meeting time. Choose another section or another course.

What do I do if the course requires permission?    back to top

The instructor will need to grant a course override. If you receive a course override, you can then add the course online

When can I submit a paper Add/Drop form?    back to top
Refer to the Forms page for more information.

How do I overpoint?    back to top
Students may take up to 19 credits per term, subject to approval from their faculty advisers. Students may overpoint beginning on the first day of classes. Refer to the Forms page for requirements and instructions. 

How do I take a course on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis?    back to top

After registering for the course, please submit the appropriate paperwork by the stated deadline (see the academic calendar), which is available in the Office of the Registrar. Refer to the Forms page for requirements and instructions.