This year our annual campaign will be exploring the intersections of climate change, social justice and the way we live our lives. As climate change begins to impact our daily lives through powerful storms, sea level rise and rising average global temperatures we will start to see changes in migration, where people are choosing to live and the quality of lives people are able to live. These impacts will be felt most severely in developing countries, but the United States will not be immune. Shifting cultural attitudes and practices will be critical in order to ensure a greener and healthier future for all people around the world.

Upcoming Events

In Whose Hands is Our Planet's Future? 

March 31 at 2pm, Chu Room

Lecture by Dr. Susana Hacock - polar climate researcher, IPCC expert reviewer, COP delegate and 2007 Conn alum

President's Distinguished Lecture: Elizabeth Rush

April 10 at 7pm, Palmer Auditorium 

Acclaimed environmental writer Elizabeth Rush, author of The Quickening: On Motherhood and Antarctica in the Twenty First Century and Rising: Dispatches from the New American Shore, will be the speaker at the sixth annual President’s Distinguished Lecture Series at Connecticut College in April. Read more information here.

Earth Week

April 17-21

Each day during the week we'll have a table in the library or Cro from 11am-1pm with activities and information about sustainability on campus. We'll end Earth Week with a celebration on Friday, April 21 from 11:30-2pm on Tempel Green including food trucks, MOBROC bands, and activities.

Learn More

All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson & Katherin Wikinson (eds.) 

Rising: Dispatches from the New American Shore by Elizabeth Rush

UNESCO Culture and Climate Change Fact Sheet

What is 'climate justice'? by Daisy Simmons