What he's doing now
Earning a Master of Arts in Inclusive Elementary Education at Teachers College, Columbia University. Student teaching at Public School 321 (The William Penn School) in Park Slope, Brooklyn, and Public School 368 (The Hamilton Heights School) in Hamilton Heights, Manhattan.
Future plans
To teach public elementary school in a low-income community in Boston, and publish a book on the experience. To earn a Ph.D. in Educational Philosophy from Harvard and become a professor of education at a small college.
High School: Barnstable High School, Hyannis, Mass.
Connecticut College: Biological Sciences and Elementary Education certification, 2013
2010 - Paramedic internship, Lawrence & Memorial Hospital, New London, Conn.
Academic Year Science-Related Activities
Laboratory assistant, biology department, for Professor Suriyapperuma, setting up microbiology, cells and organisms labs
"Antimicrobial activity in Ilex Opaca"
Other Accomplishments
- Teacher's assistant at Regional Multicultural Magnet School and Connecticut College Children's Program
- Transport volunteer, Cape Cod Hospital radiology department, Cape Cod, Mass.
- Bilingual tutor coordinator, Jennings Elementary School in New London, Conn., for the America Reads Challenge
- After-school tutor for elementary students, New London Public Library
- Treasurer for Yalla Bina, Arabic-focused student club that seeks to raise money for "Enlightenment Through Books" for a women's school in Pakistan
- Secretary for La Unidad, a student club that fosters unity and acceptance of Latino cultures on campus
- Environmental representative for his residence hall, freshman year