“Uncommon Women and Others” Oct. 6-8

Precisely 40 years ago, “Uncommon Women and Others,” the first play by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Wendy Wasserstein, spoke to a generation and introduced theatergoers to actresses Glenn Close and Meryl Streep, among others. The action flips between a reunion of close friends and classmates at Mount Holyoke College and their senior year, six years prior.

Appropriately, the Theater Department will present the play over Fall Weekend, Oct. 6-8, when alumni, parents and students will reunite on campus. “This play invites us to look at Connecticut College’s own past, and to discover, for better and worse, what has changed, and what remains,” said David Jaffe, professor of theater and chair of the Theater Department, who is directing the play. “In addition, Wendy wrote the play as a graduate student down the road at the Yale School of Drama, and developed it at the O’Neill Center’s National Playwrights Conference during the summer of 1977. It feels very much in the family.”

Performances are on Friday, Oct, 6, 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 7, at 2 and 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, Oct. 8, at 2 p.m., in Tansill Theater.

General admission tickets are $15; seniors $6; students $6. For tickets call 860-439-ARTS or go online to www.conncoll.edu/theater-tickets/

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October 8, 2017