Charles O. Hartman

Charles O. Hartman

Lucy Marsh Haskell '19 Professor Emeritus of English

With Connecticut College: 1984-2022

A.B., Harvard University
M.A., Ph.D., Washington University


Poetry writing

Modern and contemporary poetry

Prosody (metrics)

Music and poetry

Computer arts

Charles Hartman studies and practices poetry, jazz, and computer programming, and all three find their way into the classroom. Hartman teaches classes in the writing of poetry, modern poetry, contemporary poetry, science fiction, and poetry and music. His computer program, "English Metrics," a poetry scansion tutorial, is used in introductory level English courses.

Hartman is turning the writing of poetry into a multimedia experience. He has created a series of computer programs that contribute to the writing and inspiration of poetry. One, called Prose, is a language generation program that creates random, syntactically correct English sentences. Hartman also uses computers to preserve poetry. He is co-founder with Wendy Battin of the Contemporary American Poetry Archive (CAPA), where out-of-print volumes of poetry are preserved online and can be accessed free of charge by anyone with Internet access.

He has been translating poems by Yannis Ritsos from modern Greek. Some of his experiments with the web presentation of annotated poetry translations can be found on his website,

In 2000 he recorded Plumb, a CD of music and songs. His follow-up CD, Beside the Point, mostly jazz, was completed in 2008.

Hartman has published numerous volumes of poetry, and his New and Selected Poems was published by Ahsahta Press in 2008. Ahsahta also published Island in 2004. Earlier volumes include The Long View (1999) and Glass Enclosure (1995) from Wesleyan University Press. His first critical book, Free Verse: An Essay on Prosody (Princeton University Press, 1980) was reprinted by Northwestern University Press in 1996.

He has also published books on his other passions, music and computers, including Virtual Muse: Experiments in Computer Poetry (1996), Jazz Text: Voice and Improvisation in Poetry, Jazz, and Song (1991), and English Metrics: Hypertext Tutorial and Reference (1992). Hartman has also recently begun writing poetry in modern Greek.

His poems have been published in dozens of magazines, including The New Yorker, Poetry, Carolina Quarterly, Poetry Northwest, Poetry Now, Antioch Review, Ploughshares, Yale Review, and TriQuarterly.

Hartman has a personal home page on the World Wide Web, where samples of his poetry can be accessed. This is the URL:

CAPA's home on the World Wide Web can be accessed at this URL:

More Information

Visit the English department website.

Majoring in English.

Contact Charles O. Hartman

Mailing Address

Charles O. Hartman
Connecticut College
Box # ENGLISH/Blaustein Humanities Center
270 Mohegan Ave.
New London, CT 06320


316 Blaustein Humanities Center

Personal Website