Advocate FAQ
General Advocacy
Q: I signed up for a GiveCampus account – am I an Advocate yet?
A: Almost! Becoming an Advocate means taking active steps to promote the campaign to others. In order to become an Advocate, you must create or log in to your GiveCampus account, then use one (or all!) of the Advocate tools!
Q: I created a GiveCampus account in the fall, or for a campaign at my other affiliated institution. Do I need to create a new account for this campaign?
A: Nope! GiveCampus accounts are universal to the entire GiveCampus community. Keep logging into the same user account for campaign after campaign and watch your profile light up with your continued Advocacy!
Q: I'm a Class Gift Officer/Reunion Gift Committee Member and use the Volunteer Management System. Can I use the same account to become an Advocate?
A: Absolutely! Your login for the VMS will also allow you access to become an Advocate for Conn Giving Day. You'll be able to use your unique Advocate link through the VMS emails and access your personal Advocacy dashboard to see your individual stats!
Sharing Campaign Links
Q: How do I get my Advocate link?
A: There's several places you can find the built-in share buttons to get your link!
- Under the progress bar at the top of the page. You'll find buttons to share directly to Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and LinkedIn, along with a "Copy" button to copy your unique link that you can paste in an email or elsewhere.
- In the Advocate section of the campaign. Once the campaign kicks off on April 2, the Advocate section of the campaign (at the very bottom of the page) has all the sharing buttons to generate your unique link.
- On your Advocacy Dashboard. From the dashboard, you can share your unique link to recruit donors or recruit peers to join you as an Advocate!
Q: When should I share the campaign link?
A: Right now! Share the campaign link with updates about milestones, matches and challenges, your class leaderboard, or to celebrate what you love about Conn – especially on April 2 & 3.
Q: I shared the campaign link, but my name isn't showing up on the Advocates list. Why?
A: This could be due to any of the following reasons:
- You weren't logged into a GiveCampus user account when you shared the link. The link that is generated via the sharing buttons will only track impact if you're logged into your GiveCampus account.
- You shared a campaign link other than the link generated via the built-in sharing buttons. Only the link generated via the sharing buttons is unique to a specific Advocate. Copying the URL from your browser won't track to a specific Advocate.
- No one has clicked the link yet. An Advocate's name won't appear on the Advocates tab – and their sharing impact won't be tracked – until at least three other people click on the Advocate's link and visit the page.
Personal Pleas
Q: I don't have a video camera, and I don't know how to edit film. Can I still make a personal plea?
A: Of course! The vast majority of personal pleas are simple selfie videos made on smartphones. No sophisticated equipment, scripts, or video effects needed! Personal pleas don't need to be fancy to be effective; be creative and be. yourself!
Q: I uploaded my personal plea and went back to the campaign page, but I don't see my video yet. Why?
A: You'll see it soon! Every personal plea is reviewed by a member of the CC Fund team to ensure that it's up to school standards before it is approved and posted to the campaign page.
Q: When should I post my personal plea?
A: As soon as possible! Uploading your personal plea as soon as possible – and preferably before the public launch of the campaign – is a great idea. When the first wave of donors visit the campaign page, they'll be all the more inspired to give if they see the faces and stories of their peers on the campaign page.
Have other questions?
Please contact Emily Evans, Assistant Director of Annual Giving, at