Party Resources

Democratic Party Platform

Green Party Platform

Libertarian Party Platform

Non-Partisan Candidate Guides

Republican Party Platform

State & Local Races

Voter Resources

Nonpartisan Candidate Guide

Why Elections Matter

How to Facilitate Political Discussions

Additional Resources

A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center. 
A nonpartisan, nonprofit website that aims to crosscheck the accuracy of claims made by political figures.

Need to check the validity of a political post floating around online? Snopes can help.

National Association of Secretaries of State
NASS's Can I Vote page provides comprehensive information on voting and can help students answer any questions they may have. 

Understanding Fake News
Run by the Tampa Bay Times, the site's "Truth-o-meter" helps separate "fact from fiction" in political statements, including advertisements, from races around the country.

News Literacy Project
The News Literacy Project is a national education nonprofit offering nonpartisan, independent programs that teach students how to know what to believe in the digital age.