Connecticut College degree-seeking students have the opportunity to enroll in one course each fall and spring semester at the United States Coast Guard Academy, Trinity College, or Wesleyan University. The courses are taught in-person at the host institution. The program is offered to full-time Connecticut College students in residence for a maximum of one course per semester at one of the participating institutions. Students attending the participating institution are enrolled in courses first; remaining seats may be available a week prior to the start of the participating institution's classes as part of the exchange program.

Students must have the approval of their class dean and their adviser. Please consult this page to determine whether chair approval is required in addition to faculty adviser approval.

Course Policies

Enrollment in the fall & spring Course Exchange Program is subject to enrollment policies, including instructor permission and course restrictions including pre-requisites, as well as seat availability at the participating institution. 

Students may not enroll in an exchange course that is the same/similar in content to one offered in that semester at Connecticut College. 

Please be aware that the grade for the course will be posted to the Connecticut College transcript exactly as it is reported by the participating institution. Connecticut College cannot change grades that have been awarded by another institution.

While enrolled in the exchange course, students are held responsible for the deadlines and policies of the institution that apply to the course, including the institution’s deadline to enroll and last day to withdraw, as well as the instructor's attendance policy. Students may not drop or withdraw from the course without approval from the participating institution, their adviser, and their class dean. 

Enrollment Process
  • Students should refer to the course information and instructions below, and consult the participating institution's course schedule. A week prior to the participating institution's start of classes, Connecticut College's registrar's office will be able to reach out to inquire about seat availability and instructor permission. Submit this form to indicate interest in a specific course being offered, so that the registrar’s office can facilitate enrollment with the participating institution.
  • Beginning a week prior to the start of the host institution's classes, the registrar's office will contact the participating institution to inquire about seat availability and instructor permission in a specific course through the exchange. 
  • If the participating institution has seats available through the exchange and the instructor permits enrollment in the course in that semester, the Connecticut College registrar's office will provide the student with a registration form.
  • Please note that the registration form requires the signatures of the student’s adviser, class dean, and the Connecticut College department chair/program director (if applicable).
  • The signed registration form should be returned to Fanning 105 so the registrar's office at Connecticut College can complete the enrollment process with the registrar's office at the participating institution. All forms must be received no later than the end the drop/add period in the semester in which the course will be taken. 
Course Information

For information regarding catalogs/schedules, please refer to the information below. Students attending the participating institution are enrolled in courses first; remaining seats may be available a week prior to the start of the participating institution's classes as part of the exchange program.

Students are advised to be aware of the academic calendars of each institution (begin and end dates of the semester/when classes are held) since this may not coincide with Connecticut College's academic calendar. (In the case of the Coast Guard Academy, accommodations are often possible but must be approved by the course instructor on a case-by-case basis. Students should contact Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Dr. Eric Page,, for help in facilitating this process).