Major External Fellowships
Many major fellowships require College nomination or endorsement. In this case, students must declare their intent to apply by the end of the semester prior to application deadlines.
In addition to internal research grants, there are many summer opportunities that are an excellent way for students to gain international experience and build a strong candidate profile.
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Interest Area | | |
* indicates that students must apply through the CC committee process. Where endorsement is not required, students are strongly advised to work with faculty advisors prior to submitting applications |
Cultural Exchange, Language, International |
*Fulbright, *Watson, Critical Language Scholarship, Humanity in Action, Boren, Gilman, Freeman, UK Summer Fulbright |
Graduate School (United States) |
*Beinecke, Knight-Hennessy, P.D. Soros, Rangel, Pickering, Payne, Truman |
Graduate School (International) |
*Marshall, *Mitchell,*Rhodes, Gates-Cambridge, Schwarzman, Chevening |
International Relations |
*Carnegie/Gaither Junior Fellows, Rangel, Pickering, Payne, Scoville, PPIA Summer Fellowships |
*Goldwater, National Science Foundation Grants, DAAD-RISE |
Arts |
*Fulbright, *Mortimer Hays-Brandeis |
Public Service |
*Truman, *Udall, *Davis Projects for Peace, Humanity in Action, Summer Rangel, PPIA Summer Fellowships |
Area of Focus: graduate study for arts, humanities, social science
Description: Seeks to encourage and enable highly motivated students to pursue opportunities available to them and to be courageous in the selection of a graduate course of study in the arts, humanities and social sciences.
Beinecke Scholarship
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Candidate Profile: Candidates must demonstrate superior standards of intellectual ability, scholastic achievement and persona promise during their undergraduate career.
Eligibility: Current Juniors, US Citizens, Demonstrated financial need. GPA: No minimum.
Campus Deadline: December
Area of Focus: English teaching, study, research, language
Description: One year of independent research, study, or English teaching abroad for US college graduates.
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Successful applicants are motivated, open-minded and flexible with a strong desire to foster mutual understanding between the U.S. and partner nations. Awards vary by country.
Candidate Profile: Quality and feasibility of proposal, academic record, personal qualifications, language preparation where needed, extent to which the candidate and project will advance the Fulbright aim of promoting mutual understanding among nations through engagement in the host community, among other activities.
Eligibility: Graduating seniors and alums, U.S. Citizens, GPA: No minimum
Campus Deadline: August
Area of Focus: Graduate study in the U.K. All fields, commitment to improving the lives of others
Description: Awarded to outstanding applicants from countries outside of the UK to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree in any subject at Cambridge.
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Candidates must have an outstanding academic record, demonstrated leadership and a commitment to improving the lives of others. Additional funding may be available.
Candidate Profile: Academic excellence, good academic fit with Cambridge, leadership potential and commitment to improving the lives of others.
Eligibility: Seniors or alums, all citizenships but UK. GPA: no minimum (average 3.9)
Campus Deadline: Early October
Area of Focus: STEM fields, PhD trajectory
Description: Living memorial to honor the work of Senator Barry Goldwater.
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Scholarships to college sophomores and juniors who intend to pursue research careers in the natural sciences, mathematics and engineering. Students wishing to pursue careers in medicine can apply if their career goal is medical research.
Candidate Profile: Involvement in research as an undergraduate is highly desirable
Eligibility: STEM, Rising Sophomores and Juniors. GPA Min: 3.0 (average 3.9)
Campus Deadline: December
Area of Focus: Graduate study at Stanford, all fields.
Description: Graduate level scholarship aimed at preparing the next generation of global leaders to address the increasingly complex challenges facing our world.
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Each year up to 90 scholars receive full funding to pursue graduate degree at one of Stanford Universities 125 graduate programs. Multidisciplinary in focus, recipients receive leadership training, mentorship and cohort-based experiential learning. Goal is to empower scholars to navigate across business, government, academia and nonprofit sectors. Students must apply to Knight-Hennessy and to the graduate degree program they wish to pursue.
Candidate Profile: Key criteria: independence of thought, purposeful leadership, and civic commitment.
Eligibility: Graduating seniors and alums within five years of graduating from college. All citizenships and DACA students who are eligible for graduate study.
Campus Deadline: Intent to apply, May 1; campus deadline End of August
Area of Focus: Graduate study in the UK, all fields.
Description: Up to forty Scholars are selected each year to study at the graduate level at a UK institution.
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As future leaders, with a lasting understanding of British society, Marshall Scholars strengthen the enduring relationship between British and American peoples, their governments and their institutions.
Candidate Profile: Candidates must have potential to excel as scholars, leaders, and contributors to improved UK-US understanding. Academic merit, leadership and ambassadorial potential.
Eligibility: Graduating seniors and recent alums, U.S Citizens, GPA minimum: 3.7
Campus Deadline: Intent to apply, May 1; campus deadline End of August
Area of Focus: Graduate study in Ireland, all disciplines
Description: Sponsored by the US-Ireland Alliance for future American leaders to pursue one year of graduate study on the island of Ireland.
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Candidate Profile: Service, Leadership, Academic Excellence. Average GPA: 3.75
Eligibility: Graduating seniors and recent alums, U.S. Citizens
Campus Deadline: Intent to apply, May 1; campus deadline End of August
Area of Focus: Postgraduate research/study and travel in arts, art history, conservation, photography
Description: Support to students in the visual and fine arts—including history, conservation, studio art, and photography—for travel and living expenses outside the U.S. in pursuit of a program of study or other activities approved by the selection committee.
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Candidate Profile: Merit of the proposed project and outcomes, clarity of goals and methods, academic preparation and language proficiency, relevance of travel abroad to goals and objectives, relationship of proposed project to prior work and professional/creative goals, awareness of project resources in proposed locations, feasibility of project within the year-long project term.
Eligibility: Graduating seniors and alums up to three years post graduation. GPA: no minimum.
Campus Deadline: December
Contact: Assistant Professor of Art, Amanda Russhell Wallace
Area of Focus: Graduate Study in STEM, Social Sciences
Description: The NSF program provides Fellowships to individuals selected early in their graduate careers based on their demonstrated potential for significant research achievements in STEM, or STEM education.
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NSF especially encourages women, members of underrepresented minority groups, persons with disabilities, veterans and undergraduate seniors to apply.
Candidate Profile: Potential of the applicant to advance knowledge based on a holistic analysis of the complete application including the Personal, Relevant Background, and Future Goals Statement, Graduate Research Plan Statement, strength of academic record, description of previous research experience or publication/presentations and references.
Eligibility: Graduating Seniors, STEM majors, first and second-year graduate students, U.S. Citizens
Campus Deadline: September
Area of Focus: Graduate Study in the U.S., international development, Foreign Service, global challenges
Description: The USAID Payne Fellowship identifies and trains outstanding individuals for careers in the Foreign Service of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
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Funded by USAID and administered by Howard University, fellowship requires a commitment of five years of service.
Candidate Profile: Clear interest in International affairs career, demonstrated commitment to public/community service, strong academic background, ability to work cooperatively in diverse groups, strong social and communication skills and the ability to overcome obstacles. The fellowship encourages the application of women, members of minority groups historically underrepresented in the Foreign Service, and students with financial need.
Eligibility: Graduating seniors, alums, U.S. Citizens seeking a two year graduate school program. Minimum GPA 3.2
Campus Deadline: September
Area of Focus: Graduate Study in the U.S., international affairs, Foreign Service, public policy, public administration, business, economics, political science, sociology, foreign languages
Description: The Pickering Fellowship provides graduate students with financial support, mentoring, and professional development to prepare them academically and professionally for careers in the U.S. Department of State Foreign Service.
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Fellows agree to a minimum five-year service commitment in the Department of State's Foreign Service. *Applicants must plan on attending a U.S. university in pursuit of a two-year master's degree but are not required to have been accepted into a graduate program or submitted an application before they apply.
Candidate Profile: Clear interest in a Foreign Service career with the U.S. Department of State; strong academic background, commitment to service, leadership skills, financial need for graduate school, divers interest in areas such as international affairs and government cultural sensitivity, writing skills and an ability to overcome obstacles. The fellowship encourages the application of women, members of minority groups historically underrepresented in the Foreign Service, and students with financial need.
Eligibility: Rising & graduating seniors, alums, U.S. Citizens with demonstrated financial need for graduate school. Minimum GPA: 3.2
Campus Deadline: August
Area of Focus: Graduate study in the U.S., public administration, public policy, international relations, business administration, economics, history, political science, communications, or foreign languages.
Description: The Rangel Fellowship provides graduate students with financial support, mentoring, and professional development to prepare them academically and professionally for careers in the U.S. Department of State Foreign Service.
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Fellows agree to a minimum five-year service commitment in the Department of State's Foreign Service. *Applicants must plan on attending a U.S. university in pursuit of a two-year master's degree but are not required to have been accepted into a graduate program or submitted an application before they apply.
Candidate Profile: Interest in public service and international affairs, a desire to live and work overseas, strong interpersonal, communication and organizational skills as well as other characteristics highlighted in the State Department's Thirteen Dimensions. The fellowship encourages the application of women, members of minority groups historically underrepresented in the Foreign Service, and students with financial need.
Eligibility: Rising/graduating seniors, alumnus U.S. Citizens with demonstrated financial need. Minimum GPA: 3.2
Campus Deadline: August
Area of Focus: Graduate study at Oxford University
Description: Fully funds 2-3 years of graduate study at Oxford University in nearly any field.
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Scholars pursue taught or research-based degree programs and are chosen not only for their outstanding scholarly achievements, but for their character, commitment to others and to the common good, and for their potential for leadership in whatever domains their careers may lead.
Candidate Profile: Academic excellence, energy to use talents to the fullest (as demonstrated by mastery in areas such as sports, music, debate, dance, theater, artistic pursuits, as an individual or part of a team). As described by Rhodes Fellowship, candidates exhibit a commitment to truth, courage, devotion to duty, sympathy for and protection of the weak, kindliness, unselfishness and fellowship, moral force of character and instincts to lead and to take an interest in fellow human beings. Students aspiring to the Rhodes should meet with an adviser in the Walter Commons as early as possible.
Eligibility: Rising and graduating seniors and alums, U.S.Citizens/permanent residents, International students for Rhodes countries, minimum GPA 3.7 (average 3.9)
Campus Deadline: Intent to apply, May 1; campus deadline End of August
Area of Focus: Graduate Study, public policy, economics and business, international studies, Sino-US relations
Description: Fully funded one-year Master's in Global Affairs for future leaders who will gain an understanding of China’s role in global trends.
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The program aims to give the world’s best and brightest students the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and professional networks through a one-year Master’s Degree at Tsinghua University in Beijing. Students live and study together on the campus of Schwarzman College, a newly-built, state-of-the-art facility, where all classes are taught in English.
Candidate Profile: Academic excellence, aptitude and intellectual ability, leadership potential, entrepreneurial spirit, ability to anticipate and act on emerging trends and opportunities, exemplary character and a desire to understand other cultures, perspectives and positions.
Eligibility: Rising seniors/seniors and alums between 18 and 29 years of age, all nationalities, no minimum GPA (average GPA 3.7)
Campus Deadline: End of August
Area of Focus: Graduate Study, U.S. Society, culture or academic interest
Description: Merit-based fellowship exclusively for immigrants and children of immigrants who are pursuing graduate school in the United States.
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Each fellowship supports up to two years of graduate study in any field and in any advanced degree-granting program in the United States.
Candidate Profile: Candidate must demonstrate creativity, originality,and initiative, sustained accomplishment and a commitment to the values expressed in the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Eligibility: Rising seniors/seniors and alums under the age of 31 who are U.S.Citizens by birth; Naturalized Citizens: Green Card Holders; U.S Citizen by adoption; DACA. both birth parents must have been born outside of the U.S. as non-U.S. citizens.
Campus Deadline: September
Area of Focus: Graduate Study, broadly defined public service
Description: Living memorial to President Harry S. Truman– awards are merit-based scholarships to college students who plan to pursue careers in government or elsewhere in public service.
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Public service at any level, uniformed services, public interest organizations, non-governmental research and/or education organizations, public and private schools, and public-service orientated non-profit organizations such as those whose primary purposes are to help needy or disadvantaged persons or to protect the environment.
Candidate Profile: Demonstrated leadership, service to community and the vision and ability to be a change agent.
Eligibility: Rising Juniors/Juniors, U.S. Citizens
Campus Deadline: December
Area of Focus: Undergraduate funding, Native American issues/Tribal Policy, native health care, environment, conservation
Description: Merit-based award for college sophomores and juniors for leadership, public service, and commitment to issues related to Native American nations or to the environment.
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The scholarship honors the legacies of Morris Udall and Stewart Udall, whose careers had a significant impact on Native American self-governance, health care, and the stewardship of public lands and natural resources.
Candidate Profile: Merit-based award for college sophomores and juniors for leadership, public service, and commitment to issues related to Native American nations or to the environment.
Eligibility: Rising sophomores/sophomores and juniors
Campus Deadline: February
Area of Focus: International post graduate independent exploration and research
Description: Competitive one-year grant for purposeful, independent exploration outside of the United States, awarded to graduating seniors nominated by one of 41 partner colleges.
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Candidate Profile: Independent, self-directed students with a passion for international travel and cultural exchange and a desire to incorporate the perspectives gained in future leadership roles.
Eligibility: Graduating seniors
Campus Deadline: Intent to apply due May 1; campus deadline, end of August
Summer and Study Away Opportunities
Area of Focus: English teaching, study, research, language
Description: One year of independent research, study, or English teaching abroad for US college graduates.
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Focused on geographical areas, languages, and fields of study deemed critical to U.S. national security. Special summer-only programs for STEM students. Recipients commit to working for the federal government in some capacity for at least one year after graduation.
Candidate Profile: Successful candidates will meet Boren preferences for country, language, field of study, duration of program and articulate the ramifications of these choices to matters of interest to U.S. national security. Candidates commit to at least one-year of service with the federal government (preference given to well-researched longer term plans), must also include a study plan with an immersive language component and possess appropriate academic preparation, cultural adaptability, flexibility and maturity.
Eligibility: First Years, Sophomores, Juniors. GPA: No minimum
Campus Deadline: December
Area of Focus: Language study, cultural exchange
Description: Fully funded intensive summer overseas language and cultural immersion for one of 15 critical languages.
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Part of U.S. Government initiative to expand the number of Americans studying and mastering foreign languages that are critical to national security and economic prosperity. Further goal to represent geographic, institutional and field of study diversity.
Candidate Profile: Applicants selected based on merit, with consideration for academic record and potential to succeed, commitment to language learning, connection between target language and career/academic goals, ability to adapt to an intensive program and challenging environment, potential to contribute to overall CLS program goals.
Eligibility: All enrolled students, U.S. citizens. GPA: No minimum
Campus Deadline: Mid-October
Area of Focus: cultural exchange, history of UK, diplomacy
Description: Three-to-four week summer opportunity to explore the culture, heritage and history of the UK while experiencing higher education at a UK university.
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Open to students with little or no travel experience outside of the US who come from a broad range of backgrounds with a strong academic record and demonstrated leadership.
Candidate Profile: Successful candidates will exhibit curiosity and openness, evidence of leadership qualities and initiative, academic ability, character, adaptability and ambassadorial qualities as well as an interest in the UK and its culture.
Eligibility: First years and Sophomores with at least two academic years left, U.S. Citizens. GPA: 3.7 minimum (average 3.8)
Campus Deadline: December
Area of Focus: study abroad, all fields, language
Description: U.S. Department of State program enables Pell Grant recipients and those who have been historically underrepresented in US higher education to study or intern abroad
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thereby gaining skills critical to U.S. national security and economic competitiveness.
Candidate Profile: Pell recipient, academic preparedness and impact of planned program on student's academic and career trajectory, diversity of background and experience, choice of program and destination, impact to community.
Eligibility: Pell grant recipients, U.S. Citizens, GPA: no minimum.
Campus Deadline: September
Area of Focus: Human rights, democracy, international
Description: Fully funded, month-long educational program on human rights, pluralism and democracy in a program city, followed by local community project that each participant designs and implements.
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Objective is to facilitate a collective exploration of the social and political roots of discrimination, provide a forum for discussion of potential solutions and to inspire HIA fellows to protect minorities and promote human rights—in their own communities and around the world.
Candidate Profile: openness, collaborative, inquisitive, critical, self-reflective.
Eligibility: Sophomores or higher, U.S. Citizens and all nationalities and DACA students studying at U.S. institutions
Campus Deadline: December
Area of Focus: Summer enrichment, U.S. Foreign policy, economics, international affairs, global challenges
Description: Six-week summer program designed to provide undergraduate students with a deeper appreciation of current issues and trends in international affairs, a greater understanding of career opportunities in international affairs, and the enhanced knowledge and skills to pursue such careers.
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Students live at Howard University, attend classes and participate in a variety of programs with foreign affairs professionals at Howard and at divers locations around Washington, DC.
Candidate Profile: Interest in public service and international affairs,strong academics and leadership potential. This program encourages the application of members of minority groups historically underrepresented in the Foreign Service, women, and those with financial need.
Eligibility: Sophomores and Juniors, U.S. Citizens, Min GPA: 3.2
Campus Deadline: December
Area of Focus: Summer study, preparation for graduate school, international affairs, public policy and administration
Description: Fully funded PPIA Junior Summer Institute (JSI) is an intensive seven-week summer program for students committed to completing a Master's Degree in public and/or international affairs.
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The institute prepares students for related graduate programs and takes place at one of five sites around the country and is structured to introduce or strengthen skills in economics, statistics, policy analysis, writing and public speaking. Successful alumni who complete the JSI are eligible for fee waivers and scholarships from PPIA consortium member graduate programs and often receive additional financial aid from consortium members.
Candidate Profile: Successful candidates are committed to bringing diverse perspectives in public policy and international affairs. Demonstrated commitment to public service, strong academic record, cultural awareness, social sensitivity, commitment to public service, and to making the world a better place.
Eligibility: Rising Juniors and Juniors, all sites open to U.S. Citizens/permanent residents, some sites open to international and DACA students. Open to all majors.
Campus Deadline: October